
Anti-inflammatory diet - a body in top shape

– superfoods

Turmeric is a root plant and has many properties that help you to have a healthy and strong body, including that it i.a.:


  • Protects brain cells
  • Strengthens joints
  • Keeps the skin healthy and fresh


The root's content of the substance curcumin is the key to an extra health boost. The substance curcumin has many health-promoting abilities, including strong anti-inflammatory abilities.


Inflammation occurs when foreign substances enter the body.


The powerful yellow root is also rich in antioxidants, which include protects your brain cells against free radicals.


Antioxidants have many amazing properties. In addition to protecting your brain cells, they also help to support your joints and keep you healthy and fresh. The antioxidants also protect your skin cells so they can fight skin problems themselves.


Turmeric's very strong antioxidants contribute to neutralizing free radicals and stimulate the body's own antioxidant enzymes.

Antioxidants are your friends, and you get them by eating healthy, and the free radicals are your enemies, and they invade your body when you eat unhealthy, e.g. fatty food and white bread. STAI is rich in antioxidants.


STAI v/Jytte Bille, Founder

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