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The story of Jytte Bille and STAI

Dear member

-year-old Jytte Bille has often been the first woman in the positions she has held in her many years of business career. She presented her all-in-one dietary supplement, STAI, to the Lions, becoming the oldest female participant in the danish Shark Tank.


Jytte Bille, 69, gave up her successful, long-standing business career five years ago, after a divorce.


Instead, she chose to go for her passion, health, and training, which she, along with her many years of work as a self-employed business real estate broker and chairman of the danish “Byggesocietet”, has cultivated all her life.


“Something new was about to happen. I am driven by passion and have always loved the jobs and positions I have had in business, but my divorce gave me the desire and courage to work with my other passion, namely health, “says Jytte Bille, who in the 1980s trained as a gymnastics instructor and nutritionist and later as a fitness instructor, and who has kept fit with exercise and a healthy diet.


Troublesome with supplements


As a user of supplements, she had always wondered and annoyed that it should be so troublesome. Why was there not one grant that contained everything – oils, vitamins and minerals? And why should everything be ingested in plastic capsules?



Jytte Bille sat down to investigate. She got in touch with a German laboratory, where she expressed her wonder and wishes for a dietary supplement; It should contain everything we need, it should be sustainable and organic, and it should be without plastic.


“Then STAI came into the world. A shake that you mix yourself, and which makes you get what you need. I like to look at health as something we should enjoy, just as we should enjoy the unhealthy things. We need to feel good and therefore there needs to be room for red wine and chocolate as well. With STAI it is.


A busy day makes it difficult for many to eat the 600 grams of vegetables we need daily, but here STAI goes in and gives you what you need. It does not replace the vegetables, but if you have had your shake, you have given your body what it needs, and you can enjoy your life with a clear conscience,” she says.


Customers mean everything


Since then, Jytte has been independent with her dietary supplement. It is available today in two variants, STAI NO.1 and STAI NO.2. Jytte Bille has never looked back:


“I really feel like I’ve hit something. Most of my customers are on subscription and they are very nice to give feedback. I have both elite athletes, career people and a lot of women from 30 to 70 years. And they all have their own stories about STAI.


There is the chronicler who no longer has pain, the widow who with the help of STAI came out of her depression, and people with intestinal diseases who no longer have symptoms. They all think it is STAI that has made the difference for them and it simply makes me so happy and proud. STAI is a dietary supplement and not medicine, but that my customers experience STAI as the solution for them is just so nice. And that I can help my customers so they can enjoy life is all worth it”, says 72-year-old Jytte Bille.



Best wishes

Jytte Bille
